Hello all, yes I know I have been severely absent from my blog, and well with good reason. I have been working away on new designs for clients, and creating all kinds of other goodies that I will share when I can.
I am not loving this Fall weather we are having here in MA, while I enjoy the fact it is still warm I can do away with the humidity!! I am like a withered flower in that kind of weather, hot I can take but when it feels like your in a pile of soup - yuck!
So we are off to a somewhat slow start here with Fall, the kiddies are still adjusting to school work, infact if you ever look at my Twitter you will see how I am constantly complaining about yelling at them to get their work done, change their clothes ( they wear a uniform to school), stop fighting, etc. I swear the moment they get off the bus its a constant battle of interruptions and when you work at home that is not a pleasant experience.
I am sorry if people think I am a whining mother, but seriously I have to honestly say I haven't the mental capacity to deal with this stuff. I always thought when I was young I wouldn't have kids and if I did it would only be a few and with lots of help. I am admitting to you all, yes I am one of those career women who loves what she does.. and don't get me wrong I love my kids, but I am definitely not one of those...ah stay at home moms who worships the ground her kids walk on! I have always wanted to be a CEO of my own company..maybe its because I am a true Aries and we are very independent people who love to lead so being second nature is going against our own personalities.
I will never forget my late Mother-in -law, lovely woman, who said to me before I was married.. "so when you have kids you can quit working." - If you could have seen my face- priceless, are you kidding? No way would I ever quit working, that is like asking me not to breathe! I don't know how an artist ever quits, do you?
Anyway getting off my tangent which happens often, I am always thinking of too many things at once, I hope to have a post next week about my iphone/ipad game I designed. This is a great collaboration between myself and my new friend Jeremy - the brains behind the game, while I just plug in my work!
I can't wait to see how it came out,and I am working on some other fun games and apps for the holiday season so be sure to tune in!! If you have an iphone or ipad you have to download those, they are going to be fun, especially for the kiddies!
Well thats it for now, I hope to be more diligent on my posts, but from the looks of my calendar coming up, we shall have to see.
Happy Fall everyone!